
Apvapeshop Connect: Our newest and most reliable shipping service yet we have partnered with worlds leading shipping Companies To ensure you, Our amazing customer gets 2-Day delivery at a flat rate price, The fastest and most convenient shipping possible straight to your doorstep. If you are like us and you order something online wouldn’t you want to get it within a fast window time frame, instead of waiting weeks for it. For an extra bonus sometimes orders may even be delivered within 1-Business day at no extra cost.
What is Apvapeshop Connect?
Gets you your order within 2 Business days at super speed & low flat rate price.
Where is Apvapeshop Connect available?
U.S States only at the moment, Connect is not eligible for International orders, Terms may apply.
Is Apvapeshop connect guaranteed:
Yes, We offer guaranteed 2-Day delivery on certain products. When guaranteed delivery is available on an order, we'll state this on the checkout page, with the associated delivery time and cost. If delivery attempt isn't made by 2-Business Days, weekends and federal holidays excluded, We will refund any shipping fees associated with the order. Please read Connect Terms and Conditions for more information.
Connect Delivery Terms and Conditions:
If we provide a guaranteed delivery date on the checkout page, your shipping fees may be refunded if we miss our promised delivery date.
The following requirements must be met to qualify for a delivery guarantee refund:
- Shipping method selected is shipping option advertised as Apvapeshop connect
- Order is shiped to eligible U.S address.
- If you order contains items that aren't eligible for guaranteed delivery, shipping preference "Ship my items as they become available" is selected.
- Your credit or debit card must be successfully charged before the deadline displayed on the checkout page.
- The guarantee does not apply if we miss our promised delivery date because of an unforeseen circumstance outside of our control, such as a strike, natural disaster, or severe winter storm. Also, delivery scans might be inaccurate.
- The 2-Day delivery is only guaranteed for working business days, Weekends and Federal holidays do not count